“宣傳”在漢英詞典上給出的譯法不外乎propaganda, Publicity, Promotion, advertisement等。Promotion是促銷,advertisement是廣告,顯然不符合上下文。
Microsoft Bookshelf給propaganda下的定義是:
noun the organized spreading of doctrine, true or false information, opinions, etc, especially to bring about change or reform; an association or scheme for doing this; the information,etc spread; (with capital Propaganda) a Roman Catholic committee, founded in 1622, responsible for foreign missions and the training of missionaries.
在Encarta Encyclopedia中有更詳細的解釋。從中可以看出propaganda用在這里也不合適。但這個解釋給了我們提示:是否可以用false information或misinformation。
Misinform:verb transitive to inform or tell incorrectly or misleadingly
Misinformation的同義詞還有disinformation,但它的意思是deliberate leakage of misleading information,顯然不對。
Publicity的英語解釋是the process of making something known to the general public; advertising。
綜合以上解釋,這里的“不恰當宣傳”可以用misinformation, false information, misleading information, incorrect information, 甚至
inappropriate publicity。
同樣,在逐個檢驗了“厭惡”的同義詞后, 你可能選用aversion或prejudice against。
Past mainstream thinking and misleading information about AIDS increased public fear of the disease and an a version for(or prejudice against ) its victims, all of which obstructed is prevention and control.
“征求意見”如何譯?“意見”常見的譯法為opinion。與它搭配的動詞是哪一個?是否只有我們常聽說的solicit一個詞?可以查搭配詞典:表示“征求”含義的搭配有:ask(consult, gather, hear, invite, obtain)the opinion of?!耙庖姟边€可以翻譯為comments,與它搭配的詞是invite(comments from) 。